Product Destruction Services
West Michigan Document Shredding also specializes
in product destruction.
Every organization, whether it’s a business office, store, factory or warehouse, accumulates unnecessary, unneeded or unwanted items that can not be exposed to public landfills for risk of being re-introduced into the marketplace.
No matter what material it’s made of,
we can pick up your product and destroy it. Our work is done safely, professionally and confidentially.
We’ve had experience in helping
companies expire:
Faulty Equipment
Expired Goods
Manufacturer's Defect Items
Useless Containers/Packaging
Pahrmaceutical Containers and Supplies
Outdates Prototype and Supplies
Outdated Prototype Samples
Recalled Products
Old Credit Cards
Past Employee. I.D. Badges
Misprints/Overruns/Product Defects
And Much, Much More!